Credit Cards are becoming more popular and are in demand for every consumer. For shopping, traveling, or even buying things daily, the card can help them get multiple discounts and reward points. But there is one thing that consumers must keep in mind while selecting a card that has a low-interest rate while they pay credit bills.
Let’s look for the best low-interest credit cards available in the market, which will best suit your lifestyle and give good rewards and cashback.
List of Best Low-Interest Credit Cards in India
When getting a credit card, it’s important to check the interest rate. Most cards have an average interest of 3-3.5% per month, but some offer lower rates. Check out this article for a list of the best low-interest credit cards, including fees, benefits, and charges.
IDFC FIRST Wealth Credit Card
With the top-notch benefits offered by IDFC FIRST Wealth credit card from IDFC Bank. This card has premium features, including movie offers, reward points, travel benefits, insurance benefits, etc. The card also comes with a low-interest rate (0.75 to 3.5%), which is low in comparison to other cards.
Axis Bank Burgundy Private Credit Card
The card targets high-income individuals and provides them exclusive benefits. Cardholders can save a lot on their international transactions as it comes with 0% forex markup fee. Additionally, they will get benefits on movies, dining, travel, fuel, and many more.
One of the best feature of this card is that it comes with a low-interest rate of 1.5% rate per month, which is much lower than other premium cards.
HDFC Bank INFINIA Metal Credit Card
HDFC Bank INFINIA Metal Credit Card is one of the top premium credit cards offered by HDFC Bank. Being a premium credit card it offers several benefits like movie discounts, dining benefits, bonus reward points, and travel benefits.
Along with this, the card comes with a low interest rate of 1.99% per month which is lower than other premium credit cards.
HDFC Bank Diners Club Metal Edition Credit Card
Competing with HDFC INFINIA Credit Card, this card is loaded with features and premium card offerings. HDFC Bank Diners Club Credit Card comes with a lot of benefits like welcome benefits, bonus reward points on each transaction, unlimited travel benefits, annual fee waiver on spending Rs. 8 lakh in a year, and a low-interest rate of 1.99% per month.
IDFC FIRST Select Credit Card
One of the premium and most popular credit cards offered by IDFC FIRST Bank is the IDFC FIRST Select Credit Card. This card is a lifetime-free credit card, which means you don’t have to pay any joining or annual fee for this card.
With a bunch of benefits like Bonus reward points, travel benefits, movie & dining discounts, and a lower forex markup fee of 1.99%. This card also has a low-interest rate of 0.75% to 3.5% per month, which is based on the credit history of the cardholder.
Also Read:- How to use a credit card wisely?
While selecting a card, consumers must consider the interest rate and other benefits it offers. This article has provided a list of the best low-interest credit cards available in India with their features, fees, and charges. These cards offer exclusive benefits like reward points, travel benefits, movie discounts, dining benefits, and more while having lower interest rates than other premium cards. Choose the one that suits your lifestyle the best and enjoy the benefits of financial savings.